Rey stands next to the prime jedi mosaic on Ahch-To

Who is the Prime Jedi in Star Wars? Possible Theories

Hey, have you heard the juicy gossip? The Star Wars universe has this totally mysterious and powerful character called the Prime Jedi. They’re seriously fascinating! Some people are saying that they’re the wisest Jedi ever and others are speculating on their identity. In the Star Wars Canon, the Prime Jedi is this nameless figure in a mosaic in the Jedi Temple on Ahch-To (remember that scene in The Last Jedi?). 

But here’s a little theory for ya: what if the Prime Jedi isn’t just one person, but four?! Yup, we’re talking about Garon Jard, Cala Brin, Ters Sendon, and Rajivari, the founding members of the Jedi Order. Wouldn’t that be wild? Anyways, Lucasfilm and Disney still haven’t told us who the real Prime Jedi is, so let’s just enjoy the mystery for now.

A Tho Yor on Tython, the planet where the prime jedi came from

The Je'daii from Tython

Hey there, Star Wars fans! Get ready to have your minds blown! Did you know that the Jedi Order we all know and love actually has a whole different backstory? Crazy, right? Forget about one Prime Jedi… how about four?! These Jedi Masters, formerly known as Je’daii, ventured from Tython to Ahch-To and shaped the Jedi Code as we know it today. 

Their names are Cala Brin, Garon Jard, Rajivari, and Ters Sendon, and each of them brought their own unique philosophy to the table. So, next time you catch a Star Wars movie, keep in mind that there’s a whole galaxy full of Jedi history for you to explore! May the Force be with you, always – and let’s get to know these Jedi legends a little better!

The Prime Jedi mosaic on Ahch-To

The Jedi Order is formed

Have you heard the gossip, my cosmic crew? Garon Jard and his badass Jedi crew were the real deal—like supreme Jedi masters of the entire galaxy! They lived for peace, rocked self-defense skills, and could whip out some wicked force powers to lend a hand to those in distress. And let me tell you, their week-long Jedi parties with Master Rajivari were the ultimate mastermind jams for Jedi enlightenment and crushing the dark side. When Garon Jard and his posse were in charge, the Jedi Order was a total powerhouse! So let’s all grab a lightsaber and scream out… May the Force be with us!

Ahch-To temple island from a distance, home of the Prime Jedi

The First Jedi Temple on Ahch-To

So, check this out! Word on the street is that way back in 25,025 BBY, some seriously cool vibes were flowing in the Jedi Temple on Ahch-To. Close your eyes and picture it—a mosaic of the Prime Jedi, just vibing in perfect balance. So groovy, right? 

And get this: during the High Republic era, they even added another mosaic in the Meditation Chamber of Starlight Beacon. Can you even imagine? I bet they just needed to take a chill pill from all the spacy chaos and find their inner zen. Maybe it’s time for all of us to follow in the footsteps of the Prime Jedi and give meditation a shot. Peace out!

James Mangold directing the Prime Jedi origin movie

Exciting potential Prime Jedi origins news

We have some awesome news for you! James Mangold is currently in the process of directing a brand-new Star Wars movie! And guess what? This one is taking us way back to the Dawn of the Jedi era—over a whopping 25,000 years ago! How cool is that? It’s time to learn more about the Jedi Order like never before. 

Who will we see from the Old Republic? Will it all be about the Prime Jedi? Who knows? One thing’s for sure, though: we’re finally going to see those early Jedi in action! Probably going to have to wait a few years yet though! I’m bouncing off the walls with excitement; are you ready to blast off with me? Can’t wait!


Oh boy, have you heard about the Prime Jedi from the Star Wars universe? That guy (or guys) is a total mystery, but we know one thing for sure: they were seriously powerful. In the Star Wars canon, they’re a singular, nameless character in a mosaic, but some theories suggest they were actually four founding members! Can you imagine that? Garon Jard, Cala Brin, Ters Sendon, and Rajivari could all be the Prime Jedi! 

James Mangold will be directing a new Star Wars movie that takes place during the Dawn of the Jedi era, and we’re eager to learn more about the real identities of the Jedi Order’s founding members. Will they stick to the Prime Jedi or introduce more? We may have to wait until 2027 or 2028, but we’ll keep you posted. Until then, may the force be with us all!