Best Star Wars Product Reviews

The Best Star Wars Products Reviewed

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Our team of experts has tested and reviewed the best Star Wars products on the market, so you can make an informed decision.

Best Star Wars Product Reviews

Anakin's second lightsaber

Anakin's Second Lightsaber: Blade Of Destiny

Hey there, guess what? Anakin had not one, but two lightsabers! His second one was pretty popular and he used it throughout the Clone Wars on all sorts of missions. It was actually created after his first one got messed up on Geonosis. And get this: when his son Luke Skywalker got introduced to the Force, Obi-Wan Kenobi gave him Anakin’s second lightsaber. Now it’s known as the Skywalker Saga lightsaber! How cool is that? It’s become pretty famous too!

Obi-Wan gives Anakin's second lightsaber to his son, Luke

Hand me downs...

Whoa, let me tell you the craziest thing! Darth Vader went on an absolute tear up with his lightsaber, tearing through the Jedi Temple in Coruscant and taking down tons of Jedi, even the younglings! Messed up, I know. But get this: on Mustafar, he used it to take down the leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems! 

Unfortunately, he lost out to Obi-Wan Kenobi in a big battle, but that didn’t matter – Vader had a reputation to uphold. The lightsaber made its way to Tatooine, safe and sound for almost twenty years, until Luke Skywalker got his hands on it – thanks to old Ben Kenobi, of course. Who says the Force doesn’t have a sense of humor?

Maz offers Anakin's second lightsaber to Rey

Rey, Ignite Your Saber!

Oh my goodness, can you believe it? Anakin’s second lightsaber just vanished after Luke’s battle with Darth Vader at Bespin Crazy! But guess what? That sneaky Maz Kanata somehow ended up with it and stashed it away in her castle on Takodana during the New Republic Era. Can you imagine stumbling upon that treasure? Well, our girl Rey from Jakku did just that. But let’s be real, who wouldn’t be terrified to touch that thing after having a spooky vision? Poor gal just wanted to be done with it! But hey, she’s got some mad Force skills, so who knows what she’ll do next. Jedi warrior in the making, perhaps?

Anakin's second lightsaber is buried on Tatooine along side Leia's by Rey

Laid to rest on Tatooine

So Rey got the sickest saber you can imagine – the legendary one! But then, guess what? She was like, “Ben, my boy, this belongs to you now.” And Ben used it to take down the Knights of Ren! After that, Rey was all like, “Gonna show my respect to my teachers.” So she buried the saber, along with Leia’s, in the desert where Anakin and Luke called home. It was so, totally cool, and she showed them some mad love with that boss move!


Hey, did you know that Anakin actually had not just one, but TWO lightsabers? The second one, known as the Skywalker Saga lightsaber, is pretty awesome. It’s basically the cooler sibling of the first one. Obi-Wan took it from Anakin after their epic fight and later gave it to Luke. Unfortunately, Luke lost it (#sadface) on Bespin. Buuuuut, guess who found it? REY!!! Woohoo! And how cool is it that she even took on the Skywalker name? *mic drop* This lightsaber is a big deal in the Star Wars world. It even has that iconic blue plasma blade! As Obi-Wan once said, “This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight.” So you can only imagine how significant it is.